Content Brief for Squeeze Pages

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Your Two-Step Funnel

Thank you for choosing SuperWebPros! We know that you have a lot of options when it comes to getting a new website and we're grateful you're working with us.

The purpose of a sales funnel is to move a prospect further down your sales process. For some people that may mean from prospect to lead, while for others it could be lead to customer.

Either way, funnels can get complicated if they aren't well-planned from the beginning. This wizard will help you scope your funnel, so a Pro can help you make it a reality!

Once the form is complete, a Pro will contact you in ProHQ to go over any questions we may have and get to work getting this webpage designed & implemented.

Our goal is to make this as painless as possible, but the reality is that a good website takes thoughtful planning and careful consideration. But, that's why you called the Pros, right? So, let's get started...